Physician Assistant Programs in Wisconsin

physician assistant programs in wisconsin

In Wisconsin, there are accredited schools offering physician assistant program. Below, you will know some statistics and information on what schools is offering physician assistant. Check out this page to know more details about physician assistant programs in Wisconsin.

Physician Assistant programs in Wisconsin

  1. University of Wisconsin Madison: University of Madison is one of the best schools you can choose from. The school is accredited in offering physician assistant program and you will be assured to get everything you need.
  2. Carrol University: Becoming part of the Carrol University is a good opportunity because they will teach you on how to exert your effort and will help you in knowing what you need to know. They make sure that you will gather all the details, training and learning you need.
  3. Marquette University: The University is one of your choices for physician assistant program. It has a good reputation and they aim to develop the skills and capabilities of students.
  4. University of Wisconsin: The PA program of the university is nationally recognized in offering master’s degree. They are committee to recruit students coming from urban, rural as well as underserved communities to train them.
  5. University of La Crosse: The physician assistant program of the university was established in the year 1995. Students will be enrolled in eight classes that can be completed by taking necessary courses. Most of the graduates of the school are being employed in Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin.
  6. Northeast Wisconsin Technical College: The program helps students to be prepared to be competent PA assistants in psychomotor, cognitive as well as affective learning domains. The program is preparing students to assist other health care practitioners in medical settings.
  7. Madison Area Technical College: The program of the university is accredited by Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs. The PA program was made to orient students about their duties and to provide them the necessary experience they need.
  8. Froedtert Medical College of Wisconsin: PA’s are essential members of healthcare team and the program in the university is helping students to pursue a good professional studies. There are many specialties that students will know about the program.

Learn how to get ready for the best physician assistant programs in Utah!

There you go the physician assistant programs Wisconsin that you can apply for. You need to check their website to know if you can meet the requirements. If you qualify, begin to submit your application today!

About the Author



Melody has an agile mind, outstanding training skills and solid background knowledge. She has years of experience and a great physician assistant trick up her sleeve.

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