Top 10 PA Program in NY

pa programs in ny

There are numerous accredited PA programs in NY. You can choose what program you would like to get and at what school you would like to graduate from. Below are some guidelines on how to best select the physician assistant programs in NY that would suit your preferences.

To begin your PA program in NY, list down the schools where you would be comfortable living during and after your physician assistant program. Inquire about the admission criteria from your chosen schools, and see whether your qualifications meet their requirements.

Physician Assistant Programs in NY Information

When you decide to enroll in a community college PA program that is not affiliated with a medical school or academic health center (AHC) you will still be able to get a good education. The downside of that is you will not be able to intermingle with other students in the medical or healthcare field (medical, pharmacy, physical and occupational therapist, etc.) until the later stage of the program where you will carry out clinical rotations. In medically accredited schools where allied health programs exist, your chances of collaboration with allied health students would have a higher percentage of occurring. This kind of setting is more beneficial for you since after your PA program you will be working with these types of people.

Degree Requirements for PA Program in NY

  • Baccalaureate Degree Programs
  • Pre-professional Degree Programs

List of Top 10 PA Programs in NY

  1. Albany Medical College
  2. CCNY Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education
  3. Clarkson University
  4. Cornell University
  5. CUNY York College
  6. D ‘Youville College
  7. Daemen College
  8. Hofstra University
  9. Le Moyne College
  10. Long Island University

When you have time to spare, personally visit the PA programs in NY and attend the information sessions that are scheduled. Have a talk with the faculty teachers or the dean. Then check whether you are eligible to enroll in the physician assistant programs in NY. Make sure that the PA program in NY which you will take is to your advantage later on.

If you need help with pa programs in ny, contact us right now!

About the Author



Melody has an agile mind, outstanding training skills and solid background knowledge. She has years of experience and a great physician assistant trick up her sleeve.


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