Physician Assistant Programs in Ohio

physician assistant programs in ohio

There are physician assistant programs in Ohio, so if you want to know a brief overview of the schools, you can keep reading on. You will know some of their offers, requirements and other essential information.

Physician Assistant Programs in Ohio

  1. Baldwin Wallace University: It is located in Berea and they are offering master of medical science to physician assistant students. They are offering a full time program that can be completed in one year. Students will participate in clinical and lectures experiences.
  2. Cleveland State University: The University is situated in Cleveland and they are also offering Master of Science with a concentration in physician assistant. Students need to complete thirty-six hours in the university and need to complete fifty-nine credit hours if they choose to study in Cuyahoga Community College.
  3. Cuyahoga Community College: The school is offering a physician assistant certificate program to students and they have affiliation with Cleveland State University. Students who are enrolled in the program will receive Master of Science in the health sciences having a concentration in physician assistant.
  4. Kettering College: It is situated in Kettering and they are offering master of physician assistant degree that can be completed of 45 credits. Students must need to get courses in patient documentation, pharmacology, women’s health, pediatrics, infectious disease and pulmonology.
  5. Marietta College: The University is offering Master of Science in PA program. Currently, they have 36 students and when it comes to curriculum, there will be eight faculty members. For didactic phase, students need to spend one year in laboratory work as well as classroom instruction.
  6. Ohio Dominican University: It is situated in Ohio and the university has also major in Master of Science PA program. They are offering full time studies in lectures and clinical experiences. When it comes to didactic coursework, it covers pharmacology, genetics and microbiology.
  7. University of Findlay: The school is admitting 18 students in their master’s degree program for PA. It can be completed in 7 semesters. Students need to take the didactic education before they move to clinical experience program.

Learn how to take advantage of physician assistant programs in Florida!

Knowing physician assistant programs Ohio will allow you to choose what school is the best for you. Start to choose the physician assistant program you want now!

About the Author



Melody has an agile mind, outstanding training skills and solid background knowledge. She has years of experience and a great physician assistant trick up her sleeve.


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