Physician Assistant Programs in Tennessee

physician assistant programs in tennessee

There are many universities that are offering PA programs around the world and one of it is Tennessee. If you want to know what schools are offering physician assistant programs in Tennessee, you are lucky because this page will present what you are looking for.

Physician Assistant Programs Tennessee

  1. Bethel University: The physician assistant program of the university is excellent. They are offering comprehensive curriculum so that students will learn everything they need. They also require student to submit TOEFL and GRE test scores.
  2. Christian Brothers University: Christian Brothers University is requiring students to submit TOEFL as well as GRE scores. They do not have supplemental application and they do not participate in CASPA program, but students are assured to get a high quality of education.
  3. Lincoln Memorial: Lincoln Memorial also requires students to submit GRE and TOEFL. The supplemental application is requiring students to pay 50 dollars. They also participate in CASPA program.
  4. South College: South College is offering a magnificent physician assistant program, and they require that student should submit GRE. They do not have supplemental application, but the good thing is that they participate in CASPA program.
  5. Trevecca Nazarene University: The physician assistant program of the university is offering a rewarding career to students. Students will have the opportunity to work with professionals and to study in a good environment.
  6. University of Tennessee Health Science Center: Students can choose to study in their physician assistant program and students must need to submit GRE. They do not have any supplemental application but they participate in CASPA program.
  7. University of Memphis: Students will be engage to classroom studies and comprehensive curriculum. The mission of the university is to give a strong education not only in physician assistant program, but also with other programs.

Glance at the most outstanding physician assistant programs in Oklahoma!

You can have good studies if you know the best PA programs in Tennessee. The physician assistant program in the nation is one of the best programs. On the other hand, not all applicants are admitted because students must need to submit and meet all the requirements. Be involved with the top PA program of the university today!

About the Author



Melody has an agile mind, outstanding training skills and solid background knowledge. She has years of experience and a great physician assistant trick up her sleeve.

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